sena bjp

Dyaneshwar Gawade

THE Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Shiv Sena (SS) have decided to fight the Maharashtra Assembly elections alone. Over the seat sharing controversy on Thursday the 25-year-old alliance came to end.

BJP leader Eknath Khadse told media persons that BJP made all efforts possible to maintain the alliance but the options that were offered by Shiv Sena were not acceptable.

Khadse alleged that BJP tried to convey Shiv Sena that bringing down the Congress-NCP alliance is the priority but they were more interested in the Chief Minister’s post.

The decision to split the alliance came after BJP President Amit Shah cancelled his Mumbai visit yet again on Thursday even as a late night meeting between the BJP and Shiv Sena failed to reach any solution.

The Shiv Sena had demanded 151 seats for itself, leaving 127 for the BJP. Thirteen seats had been offered to the smaller parties. The Republican Party of India (RPI), the Rashtriya Samaj Party (RSP) and Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghathana (SSS) had rejected the Shiv Sena’s offer of seven seats to them and had threatened to release their list of candidates. They were demanding 18 seats.

However, Shiv Sena accused BJP of being in a hurry to end the alliance, amid reports that BJP central leadership has already taken a decision to end the 25-year-old tie-up in Maharashtra.

About Mahayuti :

The 25-year-old alliance had swept Maharashtra in the recent Lok Sabha elections winning 41 out of the 48 seats.

– In 1989, the two parties formed an alliance after talks between late Bal Thackeray and late Pramod Mahajan.

– In 1995, the Sena-BJP alliance won the Assembly elections and formed the government.

– In 1999, Sena-BJP lost power to the Congress-NCP combine, but decided to stay together.

– In 2006, Bal Thackeray’s newphew Raj formed the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena.

– In the 2009 Assembly elections, the BJP contested 119 seats and Shiv Sena 169.

– In 2012, the BJP tried to warm up to MNS.

– In 2014, the BJP-Sena alliance won 41 seats out of total 48 in the Lok Sabha elections.

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