Lalitha Goja

The Jammu and Kashmir government disclosed on Monday that 4132 Kashmiri militants are operating in Kashmir and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) area. This revelation came when a Hizbul Mujahiddin’s (HM) top commander Mohammed Sheikh was killed on Monday in an encounter with security forces in Sopore area of North Kashmir.

Akela Bureau of Investigation (ABI) has exclusive pictures of the encounter.

Acting on a tip off about the presence of militants, Special Operation Group (SOG) of Jammu and Kashmir Police and army’s 22 RR, 46RR of Indian Army launched a joint cordon at Bhat Mohalla area of Seeloo Sopore in early wee hours, yesterday.

According to sources, SOG officials asked militant Mohammad Sheikh to surrender before them. Instead of surrendering Sheikh fired on security forces leading to an encounter during which he was killed. Police officials said Sheikh was an A+ category militant and was coordinator for the Hizbul Mujahiddin. He was active for past six years.
A high level Army source told ABI that, Sopore which is known as Apple town is a hub for militants and around 20 militants are operating in that area. Meanwhile, Government said yesterday around 4132 Kashmiri militants are still operating in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).


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