Viren Shah (President, Retail Traders Welfare Association)
Viren Shah (President, Retail Traders Welfare Association)

Ranjit Mahanti

THE strong pillars of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) seems to be tumbling right before the parliament elections that are to be held in Mumbai this year in April, with the resignation of one of its strong members Viren Shah and the reason behind Shah’s resignation is none other than one of the party’s strong leader Mayank Gandhi.

On Wednesday Viren Shah sent his resignation via e-mail addressed to the party President Arvind Kejriwal and Yogendra Yadav, (Copy of resignation is available with ABI); stating:


Dear Kejiriwal Ji and Yogebdra Yadav Ji,

         With due respect to both of you I have joined AAP solely because of is ideology and clean and honesty of Shri Kejriwalji and Yogendra Yadav Ji, I had become a member of AAP.

         I am not withdrawing because of not getting AAP ticket but solely due to personal vendetta and grudge by Mayank Gandhi who in South Mumbai volunteers not to cooperate or assist or take any help from me for AAP. Which doesn’t make any sense for me to continue with them.

         I have also learnt that because of his arrogant attitude, lot of activist/ NGO groups and many of party workers and supporters are not happy and team in Delhi who is neither coming forward to solve the differences nor they are responding to any complaint against Mr. Mayank Gandhi. I have no other choice but to withdraw my membership from AAM AADMI PARTY. 

          I am very disappointed for not responding to my genuine complaint.

                                                                                               Viren Shah.


Viren Shah’s resignation is a set back for Aam Aadmi Party which is contesting elections in Mumbai for the first time. Apart from being a member of AAP party, Shah is also the President of Retail Traders Welfare Association and he had filled his nomination from South Mumbai Constituency of Maharashtra for the forth coming elections.

Viren Shah said; “Not only me, because of Mayank Gandhi’s arrogant attitude, lots of party workers are planning to quit the party”.

After repeated attempts Mayank Gandhi was not available for comments on this matter.

This resignation might cost the Aam Aadmi Party a severe loss in the Lok Sabha elections.


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