black money

Ranjit Mahanti

NARENDRA Modi government on Monday disclosed three names before the Supreme Court against whom it has started prosecution for allegedly stashing blackmoney in foreign banks.

According to media reports, the government in its 10-page affidavit submitted that it cannot disclose all the information and names of account holders in overseas banks, received from foreign countries, unless there is a “prima facie” evidence of wrongdoing for launching prosecution for tax evasion.

The names are 1- Pradip Burman, one of Dabur India promoters, 2- a bullion trader and Goa miners Rajkot-based bullion trader Pankaj Chimanlal Lodhya and 3- Goa-based mining company Timblo Private Limited company’s directors. The names are Radha Satish Timblo, Chetan S Timblo, Rohan S Timblo, Anna C Timblo and Mallika R Timblo.

While Burman’s name was received from French authorities the names of Lodhia and others have been received from “other countries”.

The government said the Swiss Federal Tax Administration has agreed that their counterpart authority would assist India in obtaining confirmation of genuineness of bank accounts.

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