Bus Strike

Naveen Uraon

The Bombay High Court on Tuesday ordered to BEST bus workers to call off their strike and get to work.

As a mark of protest against the new computerized scheduling system on Tuesday drivers and conductors of the city’s public bus service BEST went on a flash strike. The city’s 26,000 bus drivers and conductors did not show up at work, bringing India’s commercial capital Mumbai to a halt with about 45 lakh passengers left in the lurch.

Commuters were stranded across the city. Office-goers and school children had a harrowing time as bus services were paralysed since early morning.

In a significant move, the court ordered the BEST bus workers to call off the flash strike and resume duty immediately.

Though 40 per cent of the staffers had accepted the new scheduling system, unions decided to go on flash strike as they are opposed to the 12-13-hour work schedule for 20 per cent of the staffers and want the earlier manual system of scheduling to continue

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