Priti Pathak

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Mumbai have arrested a Municipal Councilor’s wife, his house maid and a Junior Engineer (JE) for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 20,000. Though the ACB has nabbed these three accused the councilor is absconding in the matter.

The ACB issued a press note stating that the complainant is a civil contractor and had recently constructed a room in Wadala, Mumbai. One morning Anand Devnath Roy the Junior Engineer of F/North Ward visited his place and took bribe of Rs. 8,000 for not demolishing the construction. The next day he visited the complainant again asking a bribe of Rs. 10,000 and also instructed the complainant to meet the Councilor of ward no. 171, Mahant Ram Avavtar Chaubey.

The complainant had no intention to bribe them so on March 19, 2014 the he approached the ACB and registered an FIR against them. As per the instructions of ACB the complainant met Roy on March 20, 2014 when Roy again demanded Rs. 10,000 for not taking action against his illegal construction and then Roy guided him to meet Chaubey. When the complainant met Chaubey he demanded a bribe of Rs. 20,000 for co-operating him in the matter and not taking any action against him. He also suggested the complainant to meet his wife Urmila and deliver her the bribe money.

On March 24, 2014 the complainant met Urmila and she asked the complainant to deliver the money to her Maid, Geeta Radhesyam Yadav. Geeta was caught by the ACB while accepting the bribe money. ACB have also arrested Urmila and co-incidentally Roy landed up at Chaubey’s resident and was also arrested by the ACB.

Chaubey is still absconding.

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