Syed Ahmed

Ranjit Mahanti

SAYED Ahmed, Jharkhand Governor fainted at Dumka while delivering his Independence Day speech, media reports. Ahmed has been admitted in nearby Sardar hospital.

On the occasion of Independence Day Ahmed was delivering his speech at Dumka, the state’s second capital.

According to sources Ahmed was under treatment of vertigo. He had forgotten to take his medicines.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said….

Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged Indian people to work for making the country the world’s manufacturing hub. Asking the world to “Come, Make in India!,  Modi urged global investors to make this country a manufacturing hub.

Addressing from Red Fort on Friday 63-year-old Modi spoke for over an hour. Modi also announced a burial of the Planning Commission, saying it was not needed any more. He said a new institution will take its place.

He said India should become clean and hygienic by 2019 — the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a staunch believer in cleanliness.

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