Bombay hospital

Ranjit Mahanti

IN a much shocking incident at Bombay Hospital on Monday morning, a 42-year-old HIV patient gets violent, attacked on three patients with saline stand causing a cancer patient died and two serious injured. The police have booked accused (patient) under section of murder and has been admitted in JJ Hospital for further treatment.

victim (2)
Pankaj Thakur

Pankaj Thakur, son of deceased told ABI, the incident occurred around 6.30am on the third floor, general ward of Bombay Hospital in South Mumbai. The accused Shahabuddin Mohabali Talukdar (42) all of sudden started attacking on other patients with Saline (IV) stand. The injured patients identified as Lilabihari Thakur (65), Prafulchand Jeevanlal Parmar (70) and Janardan Eknath Arte (66). During treatment Thakur died and rests two are undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Talukdar vandalized other things in the ward. The ward boys and other relatives of the patients rushed to the accused and overpowered him after 15 minutes.

The accused, Talukdar a resident of Agripada and has been admitted in J J hospital and undergoing treatment by the senior psychiatrists. Police claims that the reason behind the incident is not yet known.

“On the complaint of Nurse Alina Anthony, we have booked accused under sections 302 (murder), 307 (attempt to murder), 325 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 326 (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means) and 427 (Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees) of Indian Penal Code,” said Krishna Prakash additional commissioner of police.

Justifying their side, Bombay hospital spokesperson said, “Talukdar is suffering from brain TB. He had a psychiatric history also.”

Rubbishing the claims of hospital, Celina Talukdar, wife of accused said, “My husband never had a psychiatric history. Earlier he was admitted at Masina hospital for other treatment.”

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