

MUNI Shri Nayapadam Sagar Ji Maharaj, famous spiritual guru of the Jain community had gone in Agyatvas for a month when Milind Deora, a Congress candidate from South Mumbai lost his seat in the recent Loksabha election. Infamous as ‘corporate guru’ in saint community Nayapadma Sagar may face police action in future in money scam and also sexual assault cases.

Milind Deora
Milind Deora

Several chelas (pupils) of Nayapadam Sagar told ABI that he took ‘supari’ so that Milind Deora could win in the recent Loksabha election. Nayapadam had also announced ‘fatwa’ for their community to vote for Milind Deora. Surprisingly, Arvind Sawant, a very weak and unknown face from Shiv Sena party won the election. Feeling shameful Nayapadam Sagar went in Agyatvas for a month.

“This is true that Nayapadam Sagar had gone in Agyatvas at Lonavala for a month after his candidate Milind Deora lost the Lok Sabha seat,” said Hardik Hundiya, a very close pupil of Nayapadam Sagar.  “Since then several Jains-even me too-lost faith on Nayapadma Sagar,” Hundiya added.

There was also another bad luck for Nayapadma Sagar. He was promoting controversial builder and Bhartiya Janata Party’s MLA Mangal Prabhat Lodha for Lok Sabha election but Lodha failed to get ticket.

Corporate Muni

Nayapadma Sagar known as ‘corporate Muni’ in Saint and Jain community is the founder of JITO, JIYO and JIWO and other several organizations. JITO (Jain International Trade Organisation) is a worldwide organisation of businessmen, industrialists, knowledge workers and professionals reflecting the glory of ethical business practices.

JIYO (Jain International Youth Organisation) is proposed to be formed with a view to empower youth in social, economic and academic fields to enhance their self-esteem and self-reliance.

JIWO (Jain International Women Organisation) works under JITO. Established for women, JIWO is a resourceful organization. JIWO has been set-up under the able administration of Sadviji Menashriji. JIWO is determined to achieve its objectives under her guidance.

The corporates, industrialist, businessman and builders are associated with these organizations. They allegedly turn their black money in white through these organizations.

Big businessmen like Motilal Oswal , Hemant Shah, Mangal Prabhat Lodha, Lalit Dangi, Ashish Shah and others are involved in activities of JITO.

 Where goes Chaturmas donation?

Nayapadma Sagar organizes Chaturmas functions. The devotees donate crore of rupees. Hardik Hundiya asks where this money goes. Is there any transparency in that money?  “Nayanpadma Sagar should clear that where they deposit the money. In personal account or trust account,” said Hundiya.

Hardik Hundiya 1
Hardik Hundiya

Under police scanner

Giriraj Porwal, Spokesperson, Akhil Bhartiya Porwal Yuva Sanghatan (Madhya Pradesh) has complained to Mumbai police demanding action on Nayapadma Sagar.  Porwal had met the then Commissioner of Police Dr Satyapal Singh. Dr Singh handed over investigation to an officer in Special Branch. Since then matter is under investigation.

On July 16, 2013 Porwal wrote an open letter (copy available with ABI) to Nayapadma Sagar in which he has made several serious allegations on him. According to Porwal (letter) earlier he was very close to Nayapadma Sagar. He has helped him in Pune criminal cases but later Nayapadma Sagar forgot him. He did not keep his promises. Porwal alleged on Nayapadma Sagar with economical fraud and physical relation with a woman.

Porwal tried to register complaint in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) also but CBI refused to accept his application.

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venuj jain
venuj jain
10 years ago

Jai jinendra venuj Jain surat

10 years ago

Jai Jinendra.

10 years ago

“The corporates, industrialist, businessman and builders are associated with these organizations. They allegedly turn their black money in white through these organizations.

Big businessmen like Motilal Oswal , Hemant Shah, Mangal Prabhat Lodha, Lalit Dangi, Ashish Shah and others are involved in activities of JITO.”

Interesting claims you make there without any sources or citations.

Manoj B jain
Manoj B jain
10 years ago

why Jain Guru Maharaj involves in politics ? what they have to do with this ?

Dr Arun Mehta MD
Dr Arun Mehta MD
7 years ago

politics is not what we see every day.politics is not bad or is an effective instrument and powerful in the hands of right and can elevate and enhance lives of millions.lord Krishna was a wise-and good politician. Forces -both good and bad,if used well and diverted for right cause can make miracles. Naypadmasagarji and his guru have been known to me for decades and his guru HH Padmasagarji maharaj has been known to me for more than 50 years. Dr Arun Mehta Pune M-8806151193

6 years ago

Gurudev Naya Padma Sagarji Maharajsaheb has done magnificent service to the people of Mira Bhayandar by enlightening Jains there to vote for BJP. People of this country very much appreciate role played by the Gurudev naya Padma sagarji maharaj. As a result BJP has won the elections in Mira Bhayander Municipality and are now able to have governance as per liking of Service minded Jains. Gurudev can play a more important role at a National Level. My Reveretial pranams to Shri Gurudev.

6 years ago

And how much did you Blackmailed him for this shit post? and he actually refused to give Hardik Chutiya any money and this butt hurt cry baby wrote all this crap against him lol BURM MOFO