Naxalites are wooing Dalit youths invoking the names of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in Maharashtra and Sardar Bhagat Singh in Punjab.



Naxalites, it appears, have hit upon a unique idea to increase their strength. They are trying to increase their cadre and woo Dalit youths by invoking Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Sardar Bhagat Singh’s names. According to police sources, Naxalites, with the help of Dalit youths and Islamist terrorist group, Indian Mujahiddin (IM), want to have their own government formed in the country by 2025.

In November, last year, top police officials held a secret meeting at Nagpur to discuss Naxalite activities and their targets. The meeting was headed by Amitesh Kumar, the Special Inspector General of Police (IGP), Anti-Naxalite Operation. More than 60 police officers across state attended this meeting.

A high-level source who attended that meeting told ABI that Naxalites are using Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s name in Maharashtra and Sardar Bhagat Singh’s name in Punjab to woo youths. According to him, Naxalites tell Dalit youths that Dr Ambedkar was in favor of Naxalism and himself often fought against the government.

A police officer who attended the meeting said, “This is wrong. Dr Ambedkar never favored Naxalism. In a meeting (speech) at Kathmandu in Nepal, Dr Ambedkar had opposed Lal Baawata (Naxalism).”

In Maharashtra, Naxalite (CPI-Maoists) are headed by Milind Teltumbde. He serves as the acting state secretary of the party. Co-incidentally, Milind’s brother Anand Teltumbde is married to Dalit leader Prakash Ambedkar’s sister. Anand works among Dalits in Vidarbha and Mumbai.

Naxalites, it has been found, are using a similar idea in Punjab to woo youths. They apparently tell youths that Sardar Bhagat Singh always fought against government policy.

According to officers who attended that meeting, Naxalites have targeted 2025 to form their own government in Delhi. Shockingly, according to some inputs, Naxalites have also made contact with the Pakistani Terrorist Group Indian Mujahiddin (IM). “This is true that Naxalites had a meeting with IM members but it wasn’t successful. There was a dispute on a few points,” said a top cop in Maharashtra police.

To woo youths, Naxalites have also started organizing programme on stage like plays. On August 13, 2013 Nasik police sent a confidential report (copy available with ABI) to Director General of Police (DGP), Maharashtra mentioning how two groups — Kabir Kala Manch and Chhatra-Bharati Vidyarthi Sanghatana — were organising stage programmes in Nasik and Mumbai with the twin aim of attracting Dalit youths and collecting funds. Few youths from Kerala also attended those programmes. Happy with the outcome of such stagings, they have decided that ongoing meetings will also be commercial. Their upcoming meetings will be used to collect funds, which will then be used to buy busses, books and to organise tours.

According to some sources, the annual budget of Naxalites is as much as Rs 670 crore. This budget is apparently being collect by Tendu Patta businessmen, mining contractors and corporates.

Naxalism problem in India

The Naxalite-affected states in India are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Headquarters are believed to be at Andhra Pradesh and branch offices in Bihar and Jharkhand states. Naxalites are supported by the rural population, especially the Adivasis.

The Naxalites have frequently targeted tribal, police and government workers. Naxalites says their fight is for improved land rights and more jobs for neglected agricultural labourers and the poor. The Naxalites claim that they are following a strategy of rural rebellion similar to a protracted people’s war against the government.

The Naxalite movement gained international media attention last year when Naxalites attacked a rally, leading to the deaths of around 24 Indian National Congress leaders including the former state minister Mahendra Karma and the Chhattisgarh Congress chief Nand Kumar Patel.

Leaders Speak

“This is not true. The police report is wrong. Nothing like this is happening. Corporate and mining contractors are financing Naxalites. Kabir Kala Manch is a real artist’s group,” said Prakash Ambedkar, a well-known Dalit leader.

“I have heard about this. Naxalites are wooing Ambedkarite (dalit) youths. Few Dalit youths have joined too but the majority hasn’t been attracted with their plan. If Naxalites have planned that they will form their government by  2025, I will welcome them. I appeal them to come forward, come openly. This is their fundamental rights. Killing policemen is not good,” said Ramdas Athavale, a top Dalit leader.

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