baby 2


The Pydhoni Police have booked the ‘sister’ (Caretaker) of Haji Karim Mohammed Suleman Maternity and Child Care Hospital for injuring a one day old baby while giving her a bath.

On March 8, the police registered an FIR under section 338 of IPC (Causing grievous hurt by act endangering the life or safety of others) against Sumaiyya Amin Ansari (30). The Copy of the FIR is available with ABI.

According to the police the mother of the child Shaista Shabbir Hafiji (22) was admitted to the hospital and delivered a baby on March 7, around 7:25 pm. The next morning the Sister (Caretaker) took the baby for a bath and the water that she used for bathing the baby was so hot that it burnt and caused serious injuries to the baby on its legs, thighs and other private parts. After bathing the baby the sister brought the baby back to the ward and handed the baby to the mother. The baby was crying so the mother inquired about it but after repeated questioning also the she did not answer to the mother’s questions. Later during the day the baby’s leg started swelling that was the time when the doctors realised that the baby had serious burn injuries on her body and started of with the treatment.

Irfan Khan, a relative of Shaista said; “the doctors were not taking the matter seriously and were trying to hide the whole matter from the family, and were ignorant about the baby’s health. Apart from that they were even trying to save the sister who did such a grave deed of hurting the child.”

“We have registered an FIR and the matter is under investigation.”, said Dinesh Ahir, Senior Inspector, Pydhonie Police Station.

The baby was later shifted to Sabu Siddiqui hospital for a better treatment and the doctors of Sabu Siddiqui hospital have said that the baby will atleast take a time of two weeks to recover.

Even after repeated attempts the hospital authorities could not be reached for their views on the matter. Sources said that the hospital belongs to former MLA of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).

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