Ronkel Meri

Naveen Uraon

“THE German Audiences love Bollywood. We are impressed by Body Language and Music of Bollywood Films.” said the director Michael Hawich from Leipzig, Germany.

The director along with his team is on a visit to Mumbai to make a documentary on Bollywood for reputed VOX – one of the biggest TV Channels in Eastern Europe. To understand the training and education for the Media Professionals related to Bollywood, Michael Hawich paid a visit to “Ronkel – Media Education & Research Institute (RONKEL – MERI)” located in Andheri (west).

Michael interacted and worked with the students of Ronkel- MERI which would feature in their documentary to be broadcast on VOX Channel in future. Students of the institute also got an hands on experience of working with the renowned director & his team.

Michael Hawich’s team shot various footages at the Ronkel – MERI and extensively covered the education methods practiced at the Institute. Michael and his team departed from the Institute with fond memories and a wonderful knowledge about Education Practices faculties use at Ronkel – MERI.

“It’s impressive for me to see how professional actors & technicians are being trained at this Institute.” As a closing note for the interaction, Michael added, “The technical equipment and ambiance is really modern. It was great to work here.”

“We are delighted that director Michael Hawich chosen our institute and gave chance to our students to feature in his documentary project”, says Sanjeev Sharma, founder & director of the institute Ronkel – MERI.

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