local train

Gyaneshwar Gawade

A bench headed by Chief Justice Mohit Shah of Bombay High Court on Wednesday asked the Railway authorities, Mumbai to increase more sitting facilities in local trains for senior citizens. Court also asked officials to come out with a new scheme to reserve seats for senior citizens as the existing facility was not sufficient.

Justice gave six weeks time to Railways to file an affidavit on the issue.

A senior citizen A B Thakur has written letter to high court requesting to ask Railway authorities to reserve more seat for senior citizen. The court converted letter into a PIL and heard on Wednesday.

According to Thakur although some seats had been reserved for senior citizen in the local trains but the suburban trains are very crowded and it is very difficult for them to reach the seats as they were deep inside the compartments.

Thakur also requested that authorities should provide a separate bogie for senior citizen as like handicapped persons have been provided.


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