Ranjit Mahanti

THE Proteomics Society, India (PSI) held its 6th Annual Meeting at the prestigious IIT Mumbai from 6th to 9th December, 2014. In the event eminent personalities and subject matter specialist shared their knowledge and experiences of recent development in the world of proteomics (Study of proteins).

In a series of sessions, renowned experts in the field of proteomics presented their research and gave their perspective on the key issues in the field of proteomics in a 3 day long International Conference. At the Proteomics Society, India (PSI) 6th Annual Meeting in IIT, Mumbai more than 1000 participants including students, scientists and health care companies from around the world participated. The conference held in International Proteomics Conference at the Victor Menzes Convention Center. Researchers presented and discussed the latest scientific advances in protein research, contribution of proteomics in curing diseases like cancer and in the clinical research.

Proteomics Conference 01The Proteomics Society India has brought together the proteomics community of the world and for the first time this large scale event on Proteomics is taking place in India where scientists and students over 15 countries participated and provided this great opportunity for Indian researchers and students to interact with global leaders of proteomics community. The three day International conference ended with a cultural night in which Terrance Lewis and Dr Tushar Guha’s Nrityanjali group performed. The main take away from this conference is after genomics, proteomics is the next big move in the biomedical science, the usage of Proteomics research and experiments to will help pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs and clinical instruments for many diseases. Secondly in India proteomics is at nascent stage a lot of opportunities lies in this sector for betterment of the society and as well as for the development of biomedical science.

Convener of this event and associate professor, Bioscience and bioengineering department Dr. Sanjeev Shrivastava conveyed that, ‘This conference has given us all who are studying proteomics one platform, where in we shared our findings and knowledge on the subject. The research in this field will benefit us in analyzing the appropriate medicines for diseases like cancer. Even pharmaceutical companies will be benefited out of this.’’

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