Priti Pathak


Veteran bollywood villain Ranjeet Bedi’s driver Nagraj Javre Gowda found dead on Tuesday night in his swimming pool. Speaking to media, whether it was an accident or a case of suicide is yet to be ascertained, said the actor.

Ranjeet is a resident of Jeeva Bungalow, 14, Silver Beach Estate, AB Nair road, Juhu. Early in the morning around 1.10am on Tuesday Nazneen informed Juhu police about sudden death of Gowda.

According to police 42 year-Gowda was working with Ranjeet for the past 30 years. He was suffering from diabetes since childhood and various other ailments like Thyroid, high blood pressure, sleeping disorders and lung disorders and both his kidneys had stopped functioning. His treatment was on in Bhartiya Arogyanidhi hospital, Juhu. As his health was weak his mother Sakkamma Gowda (60) was residing with him for the past eight months. His brother Devraj was also working in the same bungalow and his son Rakesh (13) was staying with him for the past four years. Nagraj along with his family was residing on the 3rd floor of the bungalow in a room that had been allotted to them where this swimming pool was located.

Gowda was under severe pain for the past eight months and was so depressed that he wanted to end his life. On March 15, 2014 at around 3 am Ranjeet and Devraj found Gowda sitting by the pool with his legs submerged in the water so they had a chat with him and took him to the hospital immediately and on that very day Ranjeet got the pool emptied.

On March 18, 2014 Ranjeet got the pool filled again and on the March 19, 2014 at around 12:15 am Gowda jumped into the pool and committed suicide. The postmortem report suggested that his body organs were not functioning properly. The investigation in the case is on and further developments will be informed about.

“We have registered ADR now. Matter is under investigation,” said an officer from Juhu police station.

Gowda’s last rites will take place in his hometown at Karnataka.

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