Wadia hospital

Priti Pathak

THE Bombay High Court has transferred on Thursday the one-day baby missing case from the Mumbai Police to the Mumbai Crime branch while hearing a Hebeas Corpus petition filled by the mother of the child. Justice P V Hardas who was heading the bench ordered the Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) to assign the case to a senior officer in the Crime branch, Unit 4.

On October 25, 2012, the baby was found missing from the maternity ward when the mother had gone for a walk. A woman was seen going out from the ward with a baby in her hands, according to an eye witness. However, the woman and the baby are still to be traced.

The mother, Jasmin Devdas Naik filed a Habeas Corpus petition seeking a direction to Bhoiwada police to produce her baby which was initially handling the case. Naik said that she was not satisfied by the investigation of the Bhoiwada police. Police failed to trace the child and the woman who fled with the child. No option, the HC transferred the case to Crime branch.

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