Starring: Arjun Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Ronit Roy, Amrita Singh
Director: Abhishek Varman Release Date: 18.04.14
Rating: ** ½


Sharmila Mishra

Bollywood has tasted several love stories based on inter-cast & inter-religion marriages but now this is the time of inter-state marriage. In the past several movies have shown the cultural differences between the 2 different states of India but this time director Abhishek Varman has focused very much on the cultural differences between Tamilnadu & Punjab in the movie 2 States.

This film is about a Punjabi boy Krish Malhotra (Arjun Kapoor) and a Tamilian girl Ananya (Alia Bhatt) who falls in love with each other during their college life at IIM Ahmedabad and want to marry but due to cultural differences between these 2 states (Punjab & Tamilnadu) their families do not allow them to marry. Krish’s mother (Amrita Singh) is a typical Punjabi who is looking for a punjabi kuddi for her son, on the other side Ananya’s mother is also looking for a typical Tamilian Brahmin boy for her daughter. In such a situation Krish & Ananya set out to win over each other’s families. Finally like a typical bollywood movies, both family agrees for marriage.

The small-small cultural differences which are shown are the real beauty of the movie. Without hurting the sentiments of any community showing 2 different cultures parallel are the real challenge for director. In a small incident, Alia Bhatt had a nice conversation with a groom in a wedding ceremony where she appeals for not taking dowry.

Despite of being Tamilian, Alia Bhatt in the movie is so good and fluent enough in Hindi that nobody can guess her original culture. Director tried to create comedy in several scenes but to the extent could not do as expected.

The plot of the movie is good, but could be made better. We can say it an average entertainment movie.

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