Mumbai Oct. 22 :- Suhas Khamkar, Asia Body Builder Champion were meet to Shiv Sena Chief Balasaheb Thackeray on his residence Matoshri in Mumbai. ( pic by Ravindra Zende )

Priti Pathak

SUHASH Khamkar, the nine times Mr India and one time Mr Asia winner in body building competition on Monday has been arrested by Raigarh unit of the anti corruption bureau (ACB). Khamkar is deputy Tehsildar in Panvel also. He was arrested for allegedly demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 60,000 from the complainant.

Khamkar’s personal assistant Ganesh Bhogade has been also arrested in to the matter.

According to ACB officials the complainant on September 6, 2013 has bought a land from Kharghar resident Sharad Vasant Sawant. He had applied for mutation of land record entry (‘7/12 extract’) following the sale of land in Tehsildar office. On July 30, 2014 he met to Khamkar and requested to change the ownership name. Khamkar allegedly demanded Rs 1, 00,000 and few documents. Later Khamkar suggested complainant to meet Ganesh Bhogade. Bhogade looks personal works of Khamkar. Bhogade demanded Rs 60,000 from the complainant and assured that his work will be done.

On August 1, 2014 Khamkar again himself demanded Rs 60,000. He gave the mobile number of Bhogade and asked to meet him for further assistance. After long discussion on mobile phone on August 4, 2014 Bhogade reduced bribe amount Rs 10,000. The ACB officials laid a trap around 4.30pm and arrested Bhogade while accepting bribe Rs 50,000. Later Khamkar was also arrested from his Panvel office. Further probe is on.

Who is Suhash Khamkar  ?

Khamkar, a well-known former bodybuilder, who was recruited as deputy (Nayab) tehsildar by the government in the quota for sport persons, is currently posted at Panvel in Raigad district.

Born on August 9, 1980 in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. In the year 1997 at the age of 16, Suhas drew inspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger and embarked on a journey of becoming a world champion in the sport of bodybuilding.

He was an employee of Central Railway of India. Khamkar is the first Indian Bodybuilder to win a national level gold medal in the Railways national competitions; also Khamkar is the first Indian bodybuilder to become Mr. Asia in 2010.

He is seven times Maharashtra, nine times Mr India, one time Mr Asia (gold medal in 2010) and Mr. Olympia Amateur.

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