Chandrakant Puri

Ranjit Mahanti

WELL-KNOWN for his corrupt ways, Police Inspector Chandrakant Puri was transferred last week from the Parksite Police Station to the Local Arms (LA) division after he could not resist a final go at making money by abusing his power. On the eve of his retirement, Puri was found extorting money from a hotelier.

ABI is in possession of an audio recording of a conversation between the hotelier and Puri in which the inspector abuses the businessman in filthy language for exaggerating the amount of bribe paid to him by the hotelier. Puri was also unhappy that after new Senior Inspector Rajendra Kulkarni, who is also facing corruption and molestation charges, took charge of Parksite Police Station the hotelier had not paid a bribe even after succeeding to convince him not to take action against him.

Entire conversation :
Victim : बोलिए सर
Inspector Puri : पूरी साहब बोल रहा हूँ |
Victim : बोलिए सर
Inspector Puri : किधर है अभी तू ?
Victim : मुलुंड में हूँ सर |
Inspector Puri : क्या कर रहा है ?
Victim : मैं मेरे बहन के इधर है | बहन गिर गया न |
Inspector Puri : तू भें**, चु** रामजनम, १५-१५ हजार तू कितने टाइम दिया रे ? भो*** , १५ हजार – १५ हजार , भें** ये क्या ? माद*** , साहब आके ६ महिना हुआ | बड़ा साहब | अभी वो भें** तेरेको बंद करने को , ये करने को बोला |
Victim : कोनसा सर ?
Inspector Puri : क्या मालूम है, मैं तुम लोगों के लिए भें** साहब को समझाया |
Victim : हाँ |
Inspector Puri : और भो***, तुम दुनिया को बोल के रखा है | मैं क्या लुक्खा है क्या माद*** , तुम लोगों का १५ हजार के लिए ?
Victim : मैं किधर बोला सर ?
Inspector Puri : माद*** |
Victim : सर, मैं नहीं बोला सर | मैं किधर बोला ?
Inspector Puri : चु***का अभी तेरी गां* कैसी मारता हूँ | भो*** एक आदमी की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |
Victim : सर, मैं नहीं बोला सर |
Inspector Puri : चु***के कौन जाके बोला ? चु*** है क्या तू ? और १०-१५-२० लोगों का पेट भर रहा है | माद*** तेरे को …………………………… ६ महीने पहले बड़ा साहब घडी-घडी चिल्ला रहा था | चार्ज लगा रहा था घडी-घडी | इसके लिए मैं बोला |
Victim : सर, कसम से मैं नहीं बोला सर | भगवान कसम नहीं बोला |
Inspector Puri : चु***के |
Victim : किसको बोला सर ?
Inspector Puri : भें**, पब्लिक खोटा बोलती है क्या ?
Victim : मैं कसम से नहीं बोला सर |
Inspector Puri : एक टाइम दिया है ६ महीने के बाद, बोलता है १५-१५ हजार लेके जाते हैं साहब |
Victim : सर मेरे मुँह से कभी आया नहीं सर | कसम से, कसम से |
Inspector Puri : भो***, कभी दिया रे | चु**, भें**, गां* बंद कर तू | कुछ भी क्या बोल रहा है तू माद***, भें** |
Victim : कसम से सर | मैं नहीं बोला | आप बोलिए कौन बोला मैं ही बोला करके ?
Inspector Puri : भें**, पचास आदमी बोलेगा | मालूम है उधर |
Victim : मैं नहीं बोला सर |
Inspector Puri : चु**गिरी करेगा तो …………….. माद*** इतना मारूँगा, उधर खड़ा भी नहीं रहेगा | भाग जाएगा |
Victim : कसम से सर नहीं बोला | मेरा क्या है सर | मैं उधर काम करता हूँ सर | आपको मालूम है |

Sources said a few hoteliers met Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Deven Bharati complaining against Puri. After listening the recording Bharati transferred Puri to a side branch.

On February 29, Puri is retiring from service with a medal for being one of the most corrupt officers of the Mumbai Police.

“Isse kahte hain ‘Bade be-aabroo hokar tere kooche se hum nikle’,” said Sudhir Singh, a resident of Parksite Police Station jurisdiction and witness to Puri’s corruptions.

Previously Exposed

1- On August 21, 2014, ABI (Akela Bureau of Investigation) published an article under headline, “Inspector Puri is out of my control”: Sr PI Sakpal

2- On September 12, 2014, ABI ( published another article under headline ‘Inspector Chandrakant Puri took bribe of Rs 6,000 to register rape FIR, still did not file the case’.

3- On August 19, 2014 a person named Nitin Madhukar Shinde had complained (copy with ABI) to Maharashtra Human Rights Commission, Mumbai, then Commissioner of Police Rakesh Maria, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Ramdas Gaikwad and also to Parksite police station against Puri. Shinde wants to know that why Puri picked them up and put them behind bars for 13 hours.

4- On April 21, 2014, an unknown man posted a comment on the website ‘I paid a bribe’ under the headline “senior inspector CHNDRAKANT **********the most corrupt.”

“I was stopped in the area where i was on official work –this senior police inspector demanded to see my briefcase — he found some throat pills of ayurvedic nature — Kanthil by name — he threatened me with jail and prosecution and forcibly removed all my money from my pocket — abt rupees 5000,” he said.

5- Last year, an Army colonel badly thrashed Puri outside R-city Mall in Ghatkopar (west). Actually colonel was removing ‘Beer Box’ outside his car. Without knowing the facts, Puri slapped the colonel and asked him what he was doing. The colonel showed clothes inside the Beer Box and then badly thrashed Puri. A shameless Puri did not report this incident at the police station. ABI has eyewitnesses to the incident.

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