Bombay High Court
Bombay High Court

Naveen Uraon

THE Nationalist Congress Party and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday assured to Bombay High Court that they would not put up hoardings anywhere in the Maharashtra State without the permission of Brihannmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). However, Justices were not satisfied with the assurance.

Both the parties filed separate written undertakings in the Court assuring that they would not put up hoardings without the permission of other local authorities and BMC.

The Su-Swaraj foundation has filed PIL in this regards. The court had asked all the major political parties to appear. However, only BJP, NCP and RPI-A turned up. Congress, Shiv Sena and MNS did not show up although they were issued notices four days ago.

The NCP said: 

In its affidavit the NCP said that it would inform its local units to not to put up illegal hoardings without the permission of BMC and local authorities. The court was  disagree with this and ordered not only local units of party but all its state units should be told not to put up illegal hoardings.

BJP said:      

The BJP also filed same affidavit. On BJP’s undertaking the court noted that it should take into account all kinds of illegal banners, hoardings and posters etc and not just hoardings.

Adjourning the matter to August 1, the bench asked the State to file a compliance report on its earlier orders.

On February 21 this year, another bench of the High Court had asked the municipal bodies to file compliance reports on the steps taken to remove illegal hoardings, to prosecute the culprits and to recover fine from them.

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