
Prashant Parkhe

A police constable Mohammad Manjur Hussain Jaffar Hussain (48) has been arrested by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Nanded for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 2,000 from the complainant.

Hussain is attached with Ardhapur police station in Nanded.

According to ACB officials, the complainant was earlier running gambling business. On pretext of searching Husain visited at his home. He asked complainant to re-start business paying Rs 3,000 bribe to him. Having no wish to give him bribe on August 12, 2014 complainant approached ACB office and registered a complaint against Hussain. Later Hussain reduced bribe amount Rs 2,000.

On August 12, 2014 ACB officials laid a trap and arrested Hussain while accepting bribe of Rs 2,000 from Ardhapur police station.

Matter is further being probe by police inspector G S Rahire.

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