Akhilesh Yadav and goat

WELCOME to Uttar Pradesh, the Land of Gunda Raaj. 19 villages in Mainpuri district in Uttar Pradesh are in darkness for last seven days due to gundagardi of a local Samajwadi Party worker. Worker’s goat got electrocuted and he disconnected electricity of 19 villages.

The matter relates to 19 villages in Ghiror tehsil of Mainpuri district where an electricity feeder is located in village Shahjahanpur. Samajwadi Party toughie who asked the villagers to pay Rs 30,000 and on nonpayment, got the power supply of 19 villages disconnected.

Sources revealed that a junior engineer and SDO had contacted the toughie but he was adamant on his demand. A ‘panchayat’ was held in the village on Thursday in this regard but with no results.

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