
Priti Pathak

THE Anti – Corruption Bureau (ACB), Thane, arrested Shakuntala Patil (45), the Sarpanch of Chandrapada Grampanchayat, Jewchandra, Vasai, Thane for allegedly demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 2,50,000.

The complainant is a resident of a chawl that consists of 50 rooms. For providing the tax receipt for each room, Shakuntala Patil, the sarpanch demanded a bribe of Rs. 5,000 for each flat in cash. The total amount would sum upto Rs. 1,50,000 which was initially decided to be given in cash. Later on July 4, 2014, it was decided that the amount will be paid by cheque.

On the words of the complainant the ACB, Thane, set a trap on July 5, 2014, near the office of the Sarpanch and arrested Patil around 1:30pm while accepting a bearer cheque of Rs. 2,50,000 from the complainant. Further investigations in the matter are in progress.

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