
Priti Pathak

IN the time span of five months i.e. from January 1, 2014 to May 31, 2014 the various eight units of Anti – Corruption Bureau (ACB) have successfully set 455 traps. In these 494 cases were registered out of which 25 were of illegal possession of assets and 14 cases of corruption.

As compared to last year between January and May the number of traps has increased by 90% that is 216 more traps. In the set time span 746 accused have been arrested in different traps set by the ACB.

Sr. No. Title Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Other Gov. Officials Aides Total
 1 Trap 38 74 367 18 39 88 624
 2 Illegal Assets 13 5 6 0 1 25 50
 3 Other Corruption 17 8 14 0 3 30 72
Total 68 87 387 18 43 143 746

In the above traps of corruption the total money confiscated was Rs.1,33,94,250 and the illegal assets confiscated were of worth Rs. 62,59,45,299. The conviction rate in the year 2013 was 29% while the conviction in five months of this year is 29%. The figures depict a great deal of improvement in the working of the ACB.

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