Andheri RTO

Priti Pathak

THE Anti – Corruption Bureau (ACB), Mumbai on April 19 arrested the Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Rajendra Eknath Nerkar of Regional Transport Office, Andheri along with a private person Jayprakash Moreshwar Dalvi while accepting a bribe of Rs. 1,500.

According to ACB’s press note, the complainant has a transport business in the Mumbai city. On April 17, the complainant received a memo from the RTO, stating that he had not paid the bus tax. According to the memo he went to meet the assistant regional officer, Nerkar who instructed him to do ‘the usual procedure’ by which he meant that the complainant would have to bribe the officer.

The complainant had no intentions of paying the bribe so he registered a complaint with the ACB Mumbai against the officer. On the instructions of ACB the complainant met the officer who asked the complainant to pay a fine of Rs. 2,600 along with a bribe amount of Rs. 2,000. After a bargain between the two the bribe amount came down to Rs. 1,500. Nerkar instructed the complainant to pay the bribe amount to a private person Dalvi.

In a trap set by the ACB Dalvi who was accepting the bribe on instructions of Nerkar was arrested. Later Nerkar was also arrested.

THE Anti – Corruption Bureau (ACB), Mumbai on April 19 arrested the Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Rajendra Eknath Nerkar of Regional Transport Office, Andheri along with a private person Jayprakash Moreshwar Dalvi while accepting a bribe of Rs. 1,500.

According to ACB’s press note, the complainant has a transport business in the Mumbai city. On April 17, the complainant received a memo from the RTO, stating that he had not paid the bus tax. According to the memo he went to meet the assistant regional officer, Nerkar who instructed him to do ‘the usual procedure’ by which he meant that the complainant would have to bribe the officer.

The complainant had no intentions of paying the bribe so he registered a complaint with the ACB Mumbai against the officer. On the instructions of ACB the complainant met the officer who asked the complainant to pay a fine of Rs. 2,600 along with a bribe amount of Rs. 2,000. After a bargain between the two the bribe amount came down to Rs. 1,500. Nerkar instructed the complainant to pay the bribe amount to a private person Dalvi.

In a trap set by the ACB Dalvi who was accepting the bribe on instructions of Nerkar was arrested. Later Nerkar was also arrested.

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