

THE all India examination for the post of Income Tax officer (ITO) was cancelled after a question paper leaked on Friday in Pune.

According to Income Tax (I-T) sources, there was examination for Income Tax Officer (ITO) post all over India at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Patna and Pune. Nearly 5,000 candidates were to appear for the exam.

The paper was leaked at Pune center on Friday.

The answer script of ‘Coordination Advanced Account with Income Tax’ paper was distributed to the students. A little later the management came to know that paper was already leaked. The paper leak issue was immediate informed to Mumbai and Delhi headquarters.

According to the sources, the decision to cancel the exam, came after confirmation that the question paper had leaked in Pune. The management is questioning four people for their alleged involvement in the matter.

Speaking to ABI a top Income Tax official in Mumbai confirmed that the paper had been leaked, but refused to comment on record. “I have heard that examination was cancelled due to paper leak,” he said.

Management immediately conducted an enquiry in to the matter.

“The fresh date of the examination would be announced shortly,” said an officer.

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