Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity orphanage food 1

Ranjit Mahanti

AKELA Bureau of Investigation (ABI) has blown the lid off shocking happenings at the Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity orphanage and convent in Vasai after an in-depth sting done by an undercover woman reporter. Now, another shocking finding is that the orphanage sisters there consume champagne and wine but serve rotten and decayed food to students.

ABI’s undercover reporter Seema Creado found that Vasai’s Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity orphanage and convent sisters, who form the management of the institute, have fun and like to drink costly wine and champagne but deny the students even the basic nourishment required to keep body and soul together. While the choicest food is kept for the sisters, stuff that they find inedible is given to the students.

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ABI’s damning reports on the orphanage
On April 19, 2016, ABI published the first article under the headline ‘ABI undercover reporter exposes Handmaids of Blessed Trinity orphanage and convent in Vasai as a living hell’. On May 5, 2016, ABI published second article under the headline ‘Vasai orphanage sells ‘students’ for Rs 20,000 to faraway church’.

On May 15, 2016, ABI published a third article under the headline ‘Vasai orphanage forcibly converts students to Christianity, starves and beats girls to make them nuns’. According to Seema, sisters Eliza Barreto, Tresa and manager Paulette always used “Bastard” word for students.

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Dance before donors
The sisters always produce students as ‘things’ before donors. There were 87 students in school but the sisters claimed there were 120 before the donors. They gave students good clothes whenever donors came. They asked students to dance to filmy songs (Pinga) before donors. Donors presented books, clips, innerwear, plates, cups, shoes and uniforms to the students. Once the donors left the orphanage premises, the sisters snatched away the gifts and the students were back in rags again. Sisters asked the students to buy the same gifts from them.

Most shockingly, donors donated rice, pulse, atta, sugar, oil, cloths, spices and salt. Sisters forcibly made packets from students and sold it to an Andheri canteen. J P Morgan bank was a regular donor to the school. After receiving such complaints the bank stopped donations in 2013.

Seema suspects international funding behind the orphanage operations. ABI has a few receipts of foreign funding. Despite it, the physical condition of the orphanage was very unhygienic. The bathroom and toilet was open with a big pit nearby. The kitchen slabs were covered with rodent waste and all food materials were kept uncovered.

There was no maid to make food. Students were forced to clean the toilets. On any minor mistakes, students were penalized Rs 100 or made to sleep in the toilets. The school was charging money if any students make phone calls to their parents. They were made to sleep on the floor. The students described their stay as a ‘jail term’.

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Rotten and decayed food
The students always complained that they were being forced to eat rotten and decayed food. Seema Creado witnessed that students were being served cockroach-infested food and were forced to live in substandard conditions. Two students, Tulsi and Gauri, went to Jet Airways office and took jam, bread, sauce, pickle and cake. These items were being served after weeks of expiry.

The sisters who were serving rotten food to students were taking sips of wine and champagne, eating mutton and chicken. On four days in a week, Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday, the sisters were consuming costly wine and champagne. To avoid getting caught while consuming wine, the sisters were taking it in tea cup. After taking the drink, the sisters were laughing and singing songs and chatting on mobile phones for very long to someone.

“I witnessed that sisters were taking drinks and eating mutton, chicken. They were laughing, singing and chatting with someone for very long but students were served rotten food,” said Seema.

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8 years ago

I agree with what is given above ……….. i satye